Anagance, New Brunswick
August 6-7, 2016
Messtival is an annual mustache themed arts and music festival in Anagance, NB. The festival also includes loads of live art and video art. It is one of the most unique and eclectic festivals I have attended. This was my second year attending and you know how they say you can never repeat a good time, well they’re wrong.
When I arrived at the site music was playing, people were dancing and bubbles were everywhere. Hula hoops and jugglers, costumes and artists painting. One artist Jacob Bizzar was making robots out of cans. Everyone was having a great time and it was only 1:30 p.m. in the afternoon.
Now this is in direct defiance of Messtivals ongoing theme which is sarcasm. You are supposed to have a miserable time . The more miserable the better. So, seeing people trying to look miserable and carrying signs saying so are the norm. In fact, because it’s sarcastic, the more miserable you appear the better time you are having. It’s a one-day festival but it goes on all day and night and this year they were still playing music at noon the next day.
It is a small festival maximum capacity is 500, not because they can’t have more, just because that’s the most they want.
This year they featured a variety of bands and dj’s as well as a group called Industribe that perform fire juggling. There were also several artists painting and someone making foil hats. During the evening music performances they have one of the finest light shows I’ve seen. You could play retro games (Donkey Kong) projected on the side of the stage if you like.
Check out Messtival online : or
All photos by David Hodges
©2016. Please DO NOT copy or use without permission.