(Oshawa ON) – Hedley performed at the Oshawa General Motor Centre for their Hello World Tour. The venue was packed to the rafters. The audience in attendance where loud and excited for the performance.
The show started off with a satirical video montage of the band in a sitcom from the 70s. A Leave it to Beaver quality was felt based on the recording.
Front man Jacob Hoggard put on an energetic show, never standing still for more than I few moments.They performed all their hits much to the crowds delight.
Jacob kept saying Oshawa Ontari and would leave the audience to yell O. He did this numerous times and then would say, yeah this is getting old, I’m going to stop now. But would continue, almost like a kid teasing his parents.The crowd loved it. To continue with his fun nature, he asked the audience if their were having a great time? After the crowd settled he said his idea of a fun time was without pants. I literally thought the girl sitting near me was going to pass out after that statement.
When it came time to perform the song Perfect, the crowd sang along very loudly. It was an obvious fan favorite.
Along with the song Cha-Ching , Jacob fired off tee shirts into the audience with a high powered air gun. ranging from a few rows from the stage to 3/4 of the way of the venue.
A fun stand out point for me was later on in the evening, Jacob called out a fan side stage who appeared to be on her cell phone. He stopped the song mid performance and asked her what was so important that she needed to be on her phone while they were performing? He then asked her to toss him her phone, which she did. This is where the fun started. Looking at her phone Jacob realized that she was on Snapchat. He asked who Aden was and the crowd laughed. Although I couldn’t see her face I could picture her turning many shades of red in embarrassment. He decided this would be a great moment to contact Aden via Face time.The crowd laughed in delight. Unfortunately the call was rejected. Aden would miss the call of a life time. Jacob decided that a call to her father was in order. This time around the call was answered. Jacob joked about Charlene being drunk and he needed to pick her up. The conversation turned sentimental, while her father proclaiming his love and adoration for his child. It was sweet. It wasn’t over yet, Jacob decided to Face time a guy named Alex. Alex dropped the call nearly immediately. A call was placed again with the same result. At this point Hoggard told Charlene to join him on stage. She did and decided this would be a perfect opportunity to send Alex a message, “mooning” him with his bare ass while Charlene stood by in an image. To this day I wonder what his reaction was upon seeing the text/image.
For the first song of the encore, Trip, a spot light beamed in the audience, where Hoggard was performing acoustically.
This evening was jammed packed with awesome songs, great audience participation and excellent rapport between lead singer Hoggard and the audience.
Set list for the evening:
Lost in Translation
Don’t Talk to Strangers
One Life
Very First Time
Never Too Late
Can’t Slow Down
For the Nights I Can’t Remember
Heaven in Our Headlights
Lose Control
Villain/On my Own/Saturday
Old School
Kiss You Inside Out
Crazy For You
All images are ©2016 Sue Sadzak. Do NOT copy or reproduce without consent.
For more info on Hedley please visit: (WEBSITE) (FACEBOOK) (TWITTER)