Northern Invasion
Somerset Amphitheatre
Somerset, Wisconsin
May 13-14, 2017
Northern Invasion 2017 experience was a success in every sense of the word. Everything seemed to go well during both days of the festival including the wonderful weather. The new wristband method made it easy for fans to enter the grounds safe and fast. Because of how well the layout of the festival is, you were guaranteed to have a great sightline and see plenty wherever you happened to be. There were some interesting costumed fans in attendance including Jesus (crown of thorns and all), a guy in a chicken suit, a guy in a banana suit and a guy wearing a Jason style hockey mask complete with a bloody shirt. The lineup of bands that occupied the three stages this year definitely kept the crowds energy levels up while performing their short sets.
Some of the performances that really stood out besides the headliners were Sum 41, who should’ve easily played the mainstage as they seemed to be one of the fan favorites by the size of their audience who were crowd surfing, moshing, and singing along with. Swedish metal band Amon Amarth probably had the best set up of the entire festival with brilliant lighting, a viking ship and a staged viking fight that broke out mid song much to the fans delight. Bush definitely had the big mainstage crowd engaged during their performance as front man Gavin Rosedale showed that he hasn’t lost a step. Towards the end of their set he went deep into the festival crowd and had crazed fans chasing after him while he sang one of the bands hit tracks Little Things. Radkey, an upcoming trio of brothers surprised most with their awesome stage presence and catchy songs.
The festival headliners Godsmack, Soundgarden, The Offspring, Alter Bridge and Kid Rock all gave fans exactly what they came for. From pyrotechnics to great lighting, and amazing production to telling jokes and performing their hit songs to sing along with. There were plenty of food choices set up at various tents throughout the festival. But I advise that you eat prior to arriving as the prices were a little expensive. And even though there was a good amount of alcohol flowing, no one lost their cool as everyone was there for the same reason. Simply to have a good time! I advise that you pay for the VIP as there are some really valuable perks like clean/flushable toilets and phone charger station to make sure you have an overall ultimate experience for next year
* Soundgarden headlined the festival May 13th, five days prior to Chris Cornell’s death. Click here to see more of Tommy’s photos of Cornell at Northern Invasion.
All photos by Tommy Allen Williams
©2017. Please DO NOT copy or use without permission.