Slash with Dirty Honey
Rebel Night Club
Toronto, Ontario
July 29, 2019
Toronto’s waterfront hot spot, The Rebel Night Club, was jammed to the rafters for Slash ft Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators for their Living the Dream Tour. July 29th marked their 7th and last Canadian date of this tour.
Year after year SMKC manage to sell out every show they bring to our great city. However, the reality is that it’s no surprise. Slash being one of the best guitarists out there, accompanied by the vocal talents of Myles Kennedy (also known from his other project as lead singer for Alter Bridge). Round out the rest of the line-up with Canadians Todd Kerns on bass and vocals and Brent Fitz pounding the skins on the drums. Of course we can’t forget Las Vegas native Frank Sidoris on rhythm guitar. This combination is the one-two punch that makes it a knockout show!

Los Angeles Rock ‘N Roll act Dirty Honey, having just released their debut self titled EP, scored the big prize by getting the supporting act slot for SMKC. It turns out they were a perfect pairing to the show’s authenticity. A great mix of energy, stage presence and down and dirty Rock ‘N Roll to get the crowd warmed up. They had no problem getting the crowd pumped with their performance. In fact they have just recently announced they will continue touring with Alter Bridge, filling in that important slot. A band you should definitely check out!
As the clock struck 9pm, Rock Royalty Slash and his crew hit the stage. The venue’s audio decibels climbed instantly. Slash, dawning his signature top hat and sunglasses, started wailing away on his Gibson Les Paul.
The crowd would be thrilled with their 22 song set list. Mostly originals, peppered with the occasional Slash tunes and one Guns ‘N Roses song Nightrain (as performed that evening).
Canuck Todd Kerns would take over vocal duties for We’re All Gonna Die and Doctors Alibi. I’ve said it before and will say it again, Todd is the total package – he exemplifies the Rock and Roll musician to a “T” minus the attitude. He has an amazing stage presence and his musicianship is outstanding.
During Wicked Stone front man Myles Kennedy dawn a guitar and melted into the background along with the rest of the band. It was the beginning of a marathon guitar solo from Slash. I would guess it must have been a good 10 minutes of him shredding away. I couldn’t help but feel for drummer Brent Fitz keeping up the monstrous beats for this extended period of time. But he sailed through it with a huge smile on his face.
Towards the end of the evening while performing World on Fire, Myles Kennedy would prompt some audience participation. They would also use this song to do band introductions. When Slash was introduced the crowd went wild. The man of few words (Slash) spoke to introduce Myles Kennedy.
If you are looking for a down and dirty rock show, look no further. SMKC deliver each and every time.
All photos by Sue Hebert Sadzak
©2019. Please DO NOT copy or use without permission.
Dirty Honey
Slash ft. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators