(St Paul, Minnesota) – Steel Panther brought the “All You Can Eat” tour to The Myth in St. Paul, MN. on Friday and they couldn’t have come at a better time. It was during the local rock radio station 93.7 X Girls competition.
The Myth was completely sold out proving that metal is alive and well. Steel Panther is made up of Lead Vocals Michael Starr, Guitarist Satchel, Bassist Lexxi Foxx and drummer Stix Zadinia. Their sound combines Michael Starr’s powerful voice and Satchel’s chunky riffs and masterful solos to create catchy metal power ballads with raunchy lyrics that has gained them quite a following. There was plenty of jokes and interaction with the fans between songs as well as lots of females flashing their breasts through out the show. Lexxi Foxx applied Aqua Net and Lip Gloss while looking into a hand held mirror bedazzled with his initials on the back.
New Zealand’s Like A Storm is made up of 3 brothers Chris Brooks, Matt Brooks, Kent Brooks and touring drummer Jesse Shelley. Opening the show with a brief didgeridoo (aboriginal instrument) solo. They rocked the stage with original songs and also threw in a solid rendition of Gangsters Paradise and AC/DC cover You Shook Me All Night Long. 93X held their annual X Girls competition in between sets and the winner (Danielle) won and was presented a bouquet of roses, an X Girls jacket, a giant five thousand dollar check and the coveted title of being the 93.7 X Girl for a year.
Written and photographed by Tommy Allen Williams
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